Index of values

(!@) [JavaPervasives]
Synonym for JavaString.of_string.
(^^^) [JavaPervasives]
Concatenation of Java strings.
(|.) [JavaPervasives]
Akin to Pervasives.(@@), with a different priority allowing to chain calls with parameters:
  Java.make "..."
  |> "..." |. p1 |. ... |. pn
  |> ...

add [JavaCalendar]
add cal f delta returns a new instance that is equal to cal, with the field f modified by adding delta; see add(...).
after [JavaDate]
after date when returns true iff date is strictly later than when; see after(...).
after [JavaCalendar]
after cal when returns true iff cal is strictly later than when; see after(...).
append [JavaShortArray]
append a1 a2 returns the concatenation of a1 and a2.
append [JavaLongArray]
append a1 a2 returns the concatenation of a1 and a2.
append [JavaIntArray]
append a1 a2 returns the concatenation of a1 and a2.
append [JavaFloatArray]
append a1 a2 returns the concatenation of a1 and a2.
append [JavaDoubleArray]
append a1 a2 returns the concatenation of a1 and a2.
append [JavaCharArray]
append a1 a2 returns the concatenation of a1 and a2.
append [JavaByteArray]
append a1 a2 returns the concatenation of a1 and a2.
append [JavaBooleanArray]
append a1 a2 returns the concatenation of a1 and a2.
append [JavaArraySignature.T]
append_boolean [JavaStringBuilder]
Appends the passed boolean to the passed builder; see append(...).
append_char [JavaStringBuilder]
Appends the passed character to the passed builder; see append(...).
append_code_point [JavaStringBuilder]
Appends the passed code point to the passed builder; see appendCodePoint(...).
append_double [JavaStringBuilder]
Appends the passed double to the passed builder; see append(...).
append_float [JavaStringBuilder]
Appends the passed float to the passed builder; see append(...).
append_int [JavaStringBuilder]
Appends the passed integer to the passed builder; see append(...).
append_long [JavaStringBuilder]
Appends the passed long to the passed builder; see append(...).
append_string [JavaStringBuilder]
Appends the passed string to the passed builder; see append(...).
applet_info [JavaApplet.Graphics]
The value to be returned by the getAppletInfo(...) method.
applet_info [JavaApplet.Swing]
The value to be returned by the getAppletInfo(...) method.
applet_info [JavaApplet.AWT]
The value to be returned by the getAppletInfo(...) method.
asprintf [JavaStringFormat]
This function can be passed to Format.bprintf to print a Java string through a "%a" conversion specification.
attribute_added [JavaServlet.HTTPSessionAttributeListener]
Called to notify that a new session attribute has been added to a session; see attributeAdded(...).
attribute_added [JavaServlet.ServletContextAttributeListener]
Called to notify that a new attribute was added to the context; see attributeAdded(...).
attribute_removed [JavaServlet.HTTPSessionAttributeListener]
Called to notify that a session attribute has been removed from a session; see attributeRemoved(...).
attribute_removed [JavaServlet.ServletContextAttributeListener]
Called to notify that an attribute was removed from the context; see attributeRemoved(...).
attribute_replaced [JavaServlet.HTTPSessionAttributeListener]
Called to notify that a session attribute has been replaced in a session; see attributeReplaced(...).
attribute_replaced [JavaServlet.ServletContextAttributeListener]
Called to notify that an attribute was replaced in the context; see attributeReplaced(...).
available_processors [JavaRuntime]
Returns the number of (logical) available processors; see availableProcessors(...).

before [JavaDate]
before date when returns true iff date is strictly earlier than when; see before(...).
before [JavaCalendar]
before cal when returns true iff cal is strictly later than when; see before(...).
blit [JavaShortArray]
blit src srcofs dst dstofs len copies len elements from src at offset srcofs to dst at offset dstofs.
blit [JavaReferenceArray]
blit src srcofs dst dstofs len copies len elements from src at offset srcofs to dst at offset dstofs.
blit [JavaLongArray]
blit src srcofs dst dstofs len copies len elements from src at offset srcofs to dst at offset dstofs.
blit [JavaIntArray]
blit src srcofs dst dstofs len copies len elements from src at offset srcofs to dst at offset dstofs.
blit [JavaFloatArray]
blit src srcofs dst dstofs len copies len elements from src at offset srcofs to dst at offset dstofs.
blit [JavaDoubleArray]
blit src srcofs dst dstofs len copies len elements from src at offset srcofs to dst at offset dstofs.
blit [JavaCharArray]
blit src srcofs dst dstofs len copies len elements from src at offset srcofs to dst at offset dstofs.
blit [JavaByteArray]
blit src srcofs dst dstofs len copies len elements from src at offset srcofs to dst at offset dstofs.
blit [JavaBooleanArray]
blit src srcofs dst dstofs len copies len elements from src at offset srcofs to dst at offset dstofs.
blit [JavaArraySignature.T]
boolean_value [JavaBoolean]
Returns the wrapped value.
bprintf [JavaStringPrintf]
This function can be passed to Printf.bprintf to print a Java string through a "%a" conversion specification.
byte_value [JavaShort]
Returns the wrapped value, as a byte.
byte_value [JavaLong]
Returns the wrapped value, as a byte.
byte_value [JavaInt]
Returns the wrapped value, as a byte.
byte_value [JavaFloat]
Returns the wrapped value, as a byte.
byte_value [JavaDouble]
Returns the wrapped value, as a byte.
byte_value [JavaByte]
Returns the wrapped value, as a byte.

call [Java]
call desc param1 ... paramn calls and returns the result of method desc called with parameters param1 ... paramn, where param1 is the instance to call method upon if the method is not static.
canada [JavaLocale]
canada_french [JavaLocale]
capacity [JavaStringBuilder]
Returns the capacity of the passed builder; see capacity(...).
capitalize [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.capitalize.
cast [JavaObject]
cast obj casts obj to a bare java.lang.Object instance.
cast [Java]
cast desc x casts x, so that it can be used as an instance of desc.
chain [Java]
Similar to, returns the instance the method was called upon.
char_at [JavaStringBuilder]
Returns the character at the passed index in the passed builder; see charAt(...).
char_at [JavaString]
Returns the character at the passed index; see charAt(...).
char_value [JavaChar]
Returns the wrapped value.
china [JavaLocale]
chinese [JavaLocale]
clear [JavaCalendar]
clear cal f returns a new instance that is equal to cal, with the field f cleared; see clear(...).
clear_all [JavaCalendar]
clear_all cal returns a new instance that is equal to cal, with the all fields cleared; see clear(...).
clear_property [JavaSystem]
clear_property name removes the system property named name, returning its previous value if any; see clearProperty(...).
close_in [JavaIOStreams]
Closes the passed stream.
close_in_noerr [JavaIOStreams]
Closes the passed stream, discarding any error.
close_out [JavaIOStreams]
Closes the passed stream.
close_out_noerr [JavaIOStreams]
Closes the passed stream, discarding any error.
code_point_at [JavaStringBuilder]
Returns the code point at the passed index in the passed builder; see codePointAt(...).
compare [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to
compare [JavaShort]
Compares the passed values.
compare [JavaLong]
Compares the passed values.
compare [JavaInt]
Compares the passed values.
compare [JavaFloat]
Compares the passed values.
compare [JavaDouble]
Compares the passed values.
compare [JavaChar]
Compares the passed values.
compare [JavaByte]
Compares the passed values.
compare [JavaBoolean]
Compares the passed values.
compare_ignore_case [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to, but ignoring case when comparing strings.
compare_to [JavaString]
Compares the passed strings; see compareTo(...).
compare_to [JavaShort]
Compares the passed values.
compare_to [JavaLong]
Compares the passed values.
compare_to [JavaInt]
Compares the passed values.
compare_to [JavaFloat]
Compares the passed values.
compare_to [JavaDouble]
Compares the passed values.
compare_to [JavaDate]
Compares the passed dates; see compareTo(...).
compare_to [JavaChar]
Compares the passed values.
compare_to [JavaCalendar]
Compares the passed calendars; see compareTo(...).
compare_to [JavaByte]
Compares the passed values.
compare_to [JavaBoolean]
Compares the passed values.
compare_to_ignore_case [JavaString]
Similar to JavaString.compare_to, but ignoring case when comparing strings; see compareToIgnoreCase(...).
concat [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.concat.
concat [JavaShortArray]
concat l returns the concatenation of arrays in l.
concat [JavaLongArray]
concat l returns the concatenation of arrays in l.
concat [JavaIntArray]
concat l returns the concatenation of arrays in l.
concat [JavaFloatArray]
concat l returns the concatenation of arrays in l.
concat [JavaDoubleArray]
concat l returns the concatenation of arrays in l.
concat [JavaCharArray]
concat l returns the concatenation of arrays in l.
concat [JavaByteArray]
concat l returns the concatenation of arrays in l.
concat [JavaBooleanArray]
concat l returns the concatenation of arrays in l.
concat [JavaArraySignature.T]
contains [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.contains.
contains_from [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.contains_from.
context_destroyed [JavaServlet.ServletContextListener]
Called to notify that the servlet context will shutdown; see contextDestroyed(...).
context_initialized [JavaServlet.ServletContextListener]
Called to notify that the application initialization is starting; see contextInitialized(...).
copy [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.copy, equivalent to the identity function.
copy [JavaShortArray]
copy a returns a copy of a.
copy [JavaLongArray]
copy a returns a copy of a.
copy [JavaIntArray]
copy a returns a copy of a.
copy [JavaFloatArray]
copy a returns a copy of a.
copy [JavaDoubleArray]
copy a returns a copy of a.
copy [JavaCharArray]
copy a returns a copy of a.
copy [JavaByteArray]
copy a returns a copy of a.
copy [JavaBooleanArray]
copy a returns a copy of a.
copy [JavaArraySignature.T]
current_thread_local [JavaRandom]
Returns the instance of java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom for the current thread.
current_time_millis [JavaSystem]
Returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC at midnight; see currentTimeMillis(...).

decode [JavaShort]
Converts the passed string into a short wrapper; see decode(...).
decode [JavaLong]
Converts the passed string into a long wrapper; see decode(...).
decode [JavaInt]
Converts the passed string into a integer wrapper; see decode(...).
decode [JavaByte]
Converts the passed string into a byte wrapper; see decode(...).
delete [JavaStringBuilder]
delete sb start end deletes the characters from index start (inclusive) to index end (exclusive) from builder sb; see delete(...).
delete_char_at [JavaStringBuilder]
delete_char_at sb idx deletes the characters at index idx from builder sb; see deleteCharAt(...).
destroy [JavaServlet.HTTP]
Called by the servlet container when the servlet is being taken out of service.
destroy [JavaServlet.Generic]
Called by the servlet container when the servlet is being taken out of service.
destroy [JavaServlet.Default_HTTP]
destroy [JavaServlet.Default_Generic]
destroy [JavaApplet.Graphics]
The implementation of the destroy(...) method.
destroy [JavaApplet.Swing]
The implementation of the destroy(...) method.
destroy [JavaApplet.AWT]
The implementation of the destroy(...) method.
do_delete [JavaServlet.HTTP]
do_delete v inst req resp handles the DELETE request req through the servlet instance inst (associated to value v).
do_delete [JavaServlet.Default_HTTP]
do_get [JavaServlet.HTTP]
do_get v inst req resp handles the GET request req through the servlet instance inst (associated to value v).
do_get [JavaServlet.Default_HTTP]
do_head [JavaServlet.HTTP]
do_head v inst req resp handles the HEAD request req through the servlet instance inst (associated to value v).
do_head [JavaServlet.Default_HTTP]
do_options [JavaServlet.HTTP]
do_options v inst req resp handles the OPTIONS request req through the servlet instance inst (associated to value v).
do_post [JavaServlet.HTTP]
do_post v inst req resp handles the POST request req through the servlet instance inst (associated to value v).
do_post [JavaServlet.Default_HTTP]
do_put [JavaServlet.HTTP]
do_put v inst req resp handles the PUT request req through the servlet instance inst (associated to value v).
do_put [JavaServlet.Default_HTTP]
do_trace [JavaServlet.HTTP]
do_trace v inst req resp handles the TRACE request req through the servlet instance inst (associated to value v).
do_trace [JavaServlet.Default_HTTP]
double_value [JavaShort]
Returns the wrapped value, as a double.
double_value [JavaLong]
Returns the wrapped value, as a double.
double_value [JavaInt]
Returns the wrapped value, as a double.
double_value [JavaFloat]
Returns the wrapped value, as a double.
double_value [JavaDouble]
Returns the wrapped value, as a double.
double_value [JavaByte]
Returns the wrapped value, as a double.

ends_with [JavaString]
ends_with s suffix tests whether s ends with suffix; see endsWith(...).
english [JavaLocale]
ensure_capacity [JavaStringBuilder]
Ensures that the passed builder is at least equal to the passed value; see ensureCapacity(...).
eprintf [JavaStringPrintf]
This function can be passed to Printf.eprintf to print a Java string through a "%a" conversion specification.
eprintf [JavaStringFormat]
This function can be passed to Format.eprintf to print a Java string through a "%a" conversion specification.
equal [Java]
equal x y returns true if x and y designate the very same reference.
equals [JavaString]
Tests whether the passed strings are equal; see equals(...).
equals [JavaShortArray]
equals a1 a2 tests whether a1 and a2 are equal; see equals(...).
equals [JavaReferenceArray]
equals a1 a2 tests whether a1 and a2 are equal; see equals(...).
equals [JavaObject]
equals this that tests whether this and that are equal; see equals(...).
equals [JavaLongArray]
equals a1 a2 tests whether a1 and a2 are equal; see equals(...).
equals [JavaIntArray]
equals a1 a2 tests whether a1 and a2 are equal; see equals(...).
equals [JavaFloatArray]
equals a1 a2 tests whether a1 and a2 are equal; see equals(...).
equals [JavaDoubleArray]
equals a1 a2 tests whether a1 and a2 are equal; see equals(...).
equals [JavaCharArray]
equals a1 a2 tests whether a1 and a2 are equal; see equals(...).
equals [JavaByteArray]
equals a1 a2 tests whether a1 and a2 are equal; see equals(...).
equals [JavaBooleanArray]
equals a1 a2 tests whether a1 and a2 are equal; see equals(...).
equals [JavaArraySignature.T]
equals_ignore_case [JavaString]
Similar to JavaString.equals, but ignoring case when comparing strings; see equalsIgnoreCase(...).
escaped [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.escaped.
exec [Java]
Similar to, but ignores the result if any.

false_ [JavaBoolean]
The constant for the wrapper around the false value.
fill [JavaShortArray]
fill a ofs len x sets len elements of a to x, starting at offset ofs.
fill [JavaLongArray]
fill a ofs len x sets len elements of a to x, starting at offset ofs.
fill [JavaIntArray]
fill a ofs len x sets len elements of a to x, starting at offset ofs.
fill [JavaFloatArray]
fill a ofs len x sets len elements of a to x, starting at offset ofs.
fill [JavaDoubleArray]
fill a ofs len x sets len elements of a to x, starting at offset ofs.
fill [JavaCharArray]
fill a ofs len x sets len elements of a to x, starting at offset ofs.
fill [JavaByteArray]
fill a ofs len x sets len elements of a to x, starting at offset ofs.
fill [JavaBooleanArray]
fill a ofs len x sets len elements of a to x, starting at offset ofs.
fill [JavaArraySignature.T]
float_value [JavaShort]
Returns the wrapped value, as a float.
float_value [JavaLong]
Returns the wrapped value, as a float.
float_value [JavaInt]
Returns the wrapped value, as a float.
float_value [JavaFloat]
Returns the wrapped value, as a float.
float_value [JavaDouble]
Returns the wrapped value, as a float.
float_value [JavaByte]
Returns the wrapped value, as a float.
fold [Java]
fold desc f z it computes (f ... ((f z it0) it1) ... itn) where iti values are successively returned by it, and casted to desc before they are passed to f.
fold_left [JavaShortArray]
fold_left f z a returns f (... (f (f z a_0) a_1)) where a_i is the element of a at index i.
fold_left [JavaReferenceArray]
fold_left f z a returns f (... (f (f z a_0) a_1)) where a_i is the element of a at index i.
fold_left [JavaLongArray]
fold_left f z a returns f (... (f (f z a_0) a_1)) where a_i is the element of a at index i.
fold_left [JavaIntArray]
fold_left f z a returns f (... (f (f z a_0) a_1)) where a_i is the element of a at index i.
fold_left [JavaFloatArray]
fold_left f z a returns f (... (f (f z a_0) a_1)) where a_i is the element of a at index i.
fold_left [JavaDoubleArray]
fold_left f z a returns f (... (f (f z a_0) a_1)) where a_i is the element of a at index i.
fold_left [JavaCharArray]
fold_left f z a returns f (... (f (f z a_0) a_1)) where a_i is the element of a at index i.
fold_left [JavaByteArray]
fold_left f z a returns f (... (f (f z a_0) a_1)) where a_i is the element of a at index i.
fold_left [JavaBooleanArray]
fold_left f z a returns f (... (f (f z a_0) a_1)) where a_i is the element of a at index i.
fold_left [JavaArraySignature.T]
fold_right [JavaShortArray]
fold_right f a z returns f a_0 (f a_1 (f ... z)) where a_i is the element of a at index i.
fold_right [JavaReferenceArray]
fold_right f a z returns f a_0 (f a_1 (f ... z)) where a_i is the element of a at index i.
fold_right [JavaLongArray]
fold_right f a z returns f a_0 (f a_1 (f ... z)) where a_i is the element of a at index i.
fold_right [JavaIntArray]
fold_right f a z returns f a_0 (f a_1 (f ... z)) where a_i is the element of a at index i.
fold_right [JavaFloatArray]
fold_right f a z returns f a_0 (f a_1 (f ... z)) where a_i is the element of a at index i.
fold_right [JavaDoubleArray]
fold_right f a z returns f a_0 (f a_1 (f ... z)) where a_i is the element of a at index i.
fold_right [JavaCharArray]
fold_right f a z returns f a_0 (f a_1 (f ... z)) where a_i is the element of a at index i.
fold_right [JavaByteArray]
fold_right f a z returns f a_0 (f a_1 (f ... z)) where a_i is the element of a at index i.
fold_right [JavaBooleanArray]
fold_right f a z returns f a_0 (f a_1 (f ... z)) where a_i is the element of a at index i.
fold_right [JavaArraySignature.T]
fprintf [JavaStringPrintf]
This function can be passed to Printf.fprintf to print a Java string through a "%a" conversion specification.
fprintf [JavaStringFormat]
This function can be passed to Format.fprintf to print a Java string through a "%a" conversion specification.
france [JavaLocale]
free_memory [JavaRuntime]
Returns the amount of free memory in the JVM (in bytes); see freeMemory(...).
french [JavaLocale]

gc [JavaSystem]
Runs the garbage collector; see gc(...).
german [JavaLocale]
germany [JavaLocale]
get [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.get.
get [JavaShortArray]
get a i returns the element at index i in a.
get [JavaReferenceArray]
get a i returns the element at index i in a.
get [JavaLongArray]
get a i returns the element at index i in a.
get [JavaIntArray]
get a i returns the element at index i in a.
get [JavaFloatArray]
get a i returns the element at index i in a.
get [JavaDoubleArray]
get a i returns the element at index i in a.
get [JavaCharArray]
get a i returns the element at index i in a.
get [JavaCalendar]
get cal f returns the value for field f in calendar cal; see get(...).
get [JavaByteArray]
get a i returns the element at index i in a.
get [JavaBooleanArray]
get a i returns the element at index i in a.
get [JavaArraySignature.T]
get [JavaArray]
get a i returns the element at index i in a.
get [Java]
get desc obj retrieves the value of field desc for instance obj.
get_available_ids [JavaTimeZone]
Returns the list of all time zone identifiers.
get_available_locales [JavaLocale]
Returns the list of all available locales.
get_cause [JavaThrowable]
Returns the case; see getCause(...).
get_cause [JavaException]
Returns the case; see getCause(...).
get_cause [JavaError]
Returns the case; see getCause(...).
get_class [JavaObject]
get_class obj returns the class of obj; see getClass(...).
get_class [Java]
get_class desc returns the instance of java.lang.Class representing the passed type descriptor.
get_country [JavaLocale]
Returns the country of the passed locale; see getCountry(...).
get_default [JavaTimeZone]
Returns the default time zone.
get_default [JavaLocale]
Returns the default locale.
get_display_country [JavaLocale]
Returns the country of the passed locale; see getDisplayCountry(...).
get_display_language [JavaLocale]
Returns the language of the passed locale; see getDisplayLanguage(...).
get_display_name [JavaTimeZone]
Returns the name for the passed time zone, as a long string; see getDisplayName(...).
get_display_name [JavaLocale]
Returns the name of the passed locale; see getDisplayName(...).
get_display_script [JavaLocale]
Returns the script of the passed locale; see getDisplayScript(...).
get_display_variant [JavaLocale]
Returns the variant of the passed locale; see getDisplayVariant(...).
get_env [JavaSystem]
get_env name returns the value of the environment variable named name if defined, null otherwise; see getenv(...).
get_id [JavaTimeZone]
Returns the identifier for the passed time zone; see getID(...).
get_iso3_country [JavaLocale]
Returns the country of the passed locale; see getISO3Country(...).
get_iso3_language [JavaLocale]
Returns the language of the passed locale; see getISO3Language(...).
get_language [JavaLocale]
Returns the language of the passed locale; see getLanguage(...).
get_last_modified [JavaServlet.HTTP]
get_last_modified v inst req handles the request req through the servlet instance inst (associated to value v), returning the time the underlying information was last modified (in milliseconds since 1970-01-01), or a negative value if the time is unknown.
get_last_modified [JavaServlet.Default_HTTP]
get_message [JavaThrowable]
Returns the message; see getMessage(...).
get_message [JavaException]
Returns the message; see getMessage(...).
get_message [JavaError]
Returns the message; see getMessage(...).
get_property [JavaSystem]
get_property name returns the value of the system property named name if defined, null otherwise; see getProperty(...).
get_property [JavaProperties]
get_property props key returns the value of the property whose key is key in props if found, None otherwise; see getProperty(...).
get_property_default [JavaSystem]
get_property_default name default returns the value of the system property named name if defined, default otherwise; see getProperty(...).
get_property_default [JavaProperties]
get_property_default props key def returns the value of the property whose key is key in props if found, def otherwise; see getProperty(...).
get_runtime [JavaRuntime]
Returns the runtime for the current Java application; see getRuntime(...).
get_script [JavaLocale]
Returns the script of the passed locale; see getScript(...).
get_stack_trace [JavaThrowable]
Returns the stack trace; see getStackTrace(...).
get_stack_trace [JavaException]
Returns the stack trace; see getStackTrace(...).
get_stack_trace [JavaError]
Returns the stack trace; see getStackTrace(...).
get_time [JavaDate]
get_time date returns the time of the passed date, as the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00; see getTime(...).
get_time [JavaCalendar]
get_time cal returns the time of the passed calendar, as the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00; see getTimeInMillis(...).
get_time_zone [JavaCalendar]
Returns the time zone for the passed calendar; see getTimeZone(...).
get_variant [JavaLocale]
Returns the variant of the passed locale; see getVariant(...).

hash_code [JavaShortArray]
hash_code a returns the hash code of a; see hashCode(...).
hash_code [JavaReferenceArray]
hash_code a returns the hash code of a; see hashCode(...).
hash_code [JavaObject]
hash_code obj returns the hash code of obj; see hashCode(...).
hash_code [JavaLongArray]
hash_code a returns the hash code of a; see hashCode(...).
hash_code [JavaIntArray]
hash_code a returns the hash code of a; see hashCode(...).
hash_code [JavaFloatArray]
hash_code a returns the hash code of a; see hashCode(...).
hash_code [JavaDoubleArray]
hash_code a returns the hash code of a; see hashCode(...).
hash_code [JavaCharArray]
hash_code a returns the hash code of a; see hashCode(...).
hash_code [JavaByteArray]
hash_code a returns the hash code of a; see hashCode(...).
hash_code [JavaBooleanArray]
hash_code a returns the hash code of a; see hashCode(...).
hash_code [JavaArraySignature.T]

ifprintf [JavaStringPrintf]
This function can be passed to Printf.ifprintf to print a Java string through a "%a" conversion specification.
ifprintf [JavaStringFormat]
This function can be passed to Format.ifprintf to print a Java string through a "%a" conversion specification.
ikfprintf [JavaStringPrintf]
This function can be passed to Printf.ikfprintf to print a Java string through a "%a" conversion specification.
ikfprintf [JavaStringFormat]
This function can be passed to Format.ikfprintf to print a Java string through a "%a" conversion specification.
in_channel_of_input_stream [JavaIOStreams]
in_channel_of_input_stream is converts the input stream is into a new input channel.
index [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.index.
index_from [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.index_from.
index_of [JavaStringBuilder]
Returns the index within the passed builder of the first occurrence of the passed string; see indexOf(...).
index_of [JavaString]
index_of s sub returns the index of the first occurrence of sub in s if any, -1l otherwise; see indexOf(...).
index_of_from [JavaStringBuilder]
Returns the index within the passed builder of the first occurrence of the passed string, starting at the passed index; see indexOf(...).
init [JavaShortArray]
init len f creates and returns an array of len elements.
init [JavaServlet.HTTP]
Initializes a new servlet by returning its value (the function is executed by init(...)).
init [JavaServlet.Generic]
Initializes a new servlet by returning its value (the function is executed by init(...)).
init [JavaLongArray]
init len f creates and returns an array of len elements.
init [JavaIntArray]
init len f creates and returns an array of len elements.
init [JavaFloatArray]
init len f creates and returns an array of len elements.
init [JavaDoubleArray]
init len f creates and returns an array of len elements.
init [JavaCharArray]
init len f creates and returns an array of len elements.
init [JavaByteArray]
init len f creates and returns an array of len elements.
init [JavaBooleanArray]
init len f creates and returns an array of len elements.
init [JavaArraySignature.T]
init [JavaApplet.Graphics]
The implementation of the init(...) method.
init [JavaApplet.Swing]
The implementation of the init(...) method.
init [JavaApplet.AWT]
The implementation of the init(...) method.
input_line [JavaString]
input_line ch reads a line from channel ch.
input_stream_of_in_channel [JavaIOStreams]
input_stream_of_in_channel ic converts the input channel ic into a new input stream.
insert_boolean [JavaStringBuilder]
Inserts the passed boolean into the passed builder at the specified index; see insert(...).
insert_char [JavaStringBuilder]
Inserts the passed character into the passed builder at the specified index; see insert(...).
insert_double [JavaStringBuilder]
Inserts the passed double into the passed builder at the specified index; see insert(...).
insert_float [JavaStringBuilder]
Inserts the passed float into the passed builder at the specified index; see insert(...).
insert_int [JavaStringBuilder]
Inserts the passed integer into the passed builder at the specified index; see insert(...).
insert_long [JavaStringBuilder]
Inserts the passed long into the passed builder at the specified index; see insert(...).
insert_string [JavaStringBuilder]
Inserts the passed string into the passed builder at the specified index; see insert(...).
instanceof [Java]
instanceof desc x returns true if x is an instance of desc.
int_value [JavaShort]
Returns the wrapped value, as an int.
int_value [JavaLong]
Returns the wrapped value, as an int.
int_value [JavaInt]
Returns the wrapped value, as an int.
int_value [JavaFloat]
Returns the wrapped value, as an int.
int_value [JavaDouble]
Returns the wrapped value, as an int.
int_value [JavaByte]
Returns the wrapped value, as an int.
is_digit [JavaChar]
Tests whether the passed value is a digit; see isDigit(...).
is_empty [JavaString]
Tests whether the passed string is empty; see isEmpty(...).
is_letter [JavaChar]
Tests whether the passed value is a letter; see isLetter(...).
is_letter_or_digit [JavaChar]
Tests whether the passed value is a letter or a digit; see isLetterOrDigit(...).
is_lower_case [JavaChar]
Tests whether the passed value is lower case; see isLowerCase(...).
is_not_null [JavaTimeZone]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaThrowable]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaStringBuilder]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaString]
is_not_null x returns false iff x is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaShortArray]
is_not_null x returns false iff x is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaShort]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaReferenceArray]
is_not_null x returns false iff x is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaRandom]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaProperties]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaObject]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaLongArray]
is_not_null x returns false iff x is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaLong]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaLocale]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaIntArray]
is_not_null x returns false iff x is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaInt]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaFloatArray]
is_not_null x returns false iff x is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaFloat]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaException]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaError]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaDoubleArray]
is_not_null x returns false iff x is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaDouble]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaDate]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaCharArray]
is_not_null x returns false iff x is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaChar]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaCalendar]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaByteArray]
is_not_null x returns false iff x is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaByte]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaBooleanArray]
is_not_null x returns false iff x is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaBoolean]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [JavaArraySignature.T]
is_not_null [JavaArray]
is_not_null a returns false iff a is equal to null.
is_not_null [Java]
is_not_null x returns false iff x is equal to null.
is_null [JavaTimeZone]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [JavaThrowable]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [JavaStringBuilder]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [JavaString]
is_null x returns true iff x is equal to null.
is_null [JavaShortArray]
is_null x returns true iff x is equal to null.
is_null [JavaShort]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [JavaReferenceArray]
is_null x returns true iff x is equal to null.
is_null [JavaRandom]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [JavaProperties]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [JavaObject]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [JavaLongArray]
is_null x returns true iff x is equal to null.
is_null [JavaLong]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [JavaLocale]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [JavaIntArray]
is_null x returns true iff x is equal to null.
is_null [JavaInt]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [JavaFloatArray]
is_null x returns true iff x is equal to null.
is_null [JavaFloat]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [JavaException]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [JavaError]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [JavaDoubleArray]
is_null x returns true iff x is equal to null.
is_null [JavaDouble]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [JavaDate]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [JavaCharArray]
is_null x returns true iff x is equal to null.
is_null [JavaChar]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [JavaCalendar]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [JavaByteArray]
is_null x returns true iff x is equal to null.
is_null [JavaByte]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [JavaBooleanArray]
is_null x returns true iff x is equal to null.
is_null [JavaBoolean]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [JavaArraySignature.T]
is_null [JavaArray]
is_null a returns true iff a is equal to null.
is_null [Java]
is_null x returns true iff x is equal to null.
is_space_char [JavaChar]
Tests whether the passed value is a space character; see isSpaceChar(...).
is_upper_case [JavaChar]
Tests whether the passed value is upper case; see isUpperCase(...).
is_whitespace [JavaChar]
Tests whether the passed value is a white space; see isWhitespace(...).
italian [JavaLocale]
italy [JavaLocale]
iter [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.iter.
iter [JavaShortArray]
iter f a applies f to each element of a.
iter [JavaReferenceArray]
iter f a applies f to each element of a.
iter [JavaLongArray]
iter f a applies f to each element of a.
iter [JavaIntArray]
iter f a applies f to each element of a.
iter [JavaFloatArray]
iter f a applies f to each element of a.
iter [JavaDoubleArray]
iter f a applies f to each element of a.
iter [JavaCharArray]
iter f a applies f to each element of a.
iter [JavaByteArray]
iter f a applies f to each element of a.
iter [JavaBooleanArray]
iter f a applies f to each element of a.
iter [JavaArraySignature.T]
iter [JavaArray]
iter f a applies f to the elements of a.
iter [Java]
iter desc f it applies f to every element returned by it, after casting them to desc.
iteri [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.iteri.
iteri [JavaShortArray]
iter f a applies f to each element of a (also passing element index).
iteri [JavaReferenceArray]
iter f a applies f to each element of a (also passing element index).
iteri [JavaLongArray]
iter f a applies f to each element of a (also passing element index).
iteri [JavaIntArray]
iter f a applies f to each element of a (also passing element index).
iteri [JavaFloatArray]
iter f a applies f to each element of a (also passing element index).
iteri [JavaDoubleArray]
iter f a applies f to each element of a (also passing element index).
iteri [JavaCharArray]
iter f a applies f to each element of a (also passing element index).
iteri [JavaByteArray]
iter f a applies f to each element of a (also passing element index).
iteri [JavaBooleanArray]
iter f a applies f to each element of a (also passing element index).
iteri [JavaArraySignature.T]
iteri [JavaArray]
iter f a applies f to the elements of a.

japan [JavaLocale]
japanese [JavaLocale]

kbprintf [JavaStringPrintf]
This function can be passed to Printf.kbprintf to print a Java string through a "%a" conversion specification.
kfprintf [JavaStringPrintf]
This function can be passed to Printf.kfprintf to print a Java string through a "%a" conversion specification.
kfprintf [JavaStringFormat]
This function can be passed to Format.kfprintf to print a Java string through a "%a" conversion specification.
korea [JavaLocale]
korean [JavaLocale]
ksprintf [JavaStringPrintf]
This function can be passed to Printf.ksprintf to print a Java string through a "%a" conversion specification.
ksprintf [JavaStringFormat]
This function can be passed to Format.ksprintf to print a Java string through a "%a" conversion specification.

last_index_of [JavaStringBuilder]
Returns the index within the passed builder of the last occurrence of the passed string; see lastIndexOf(...).
last_index_of [JavaString]
last_index_of s sub returns the index of the last occurrence of sub in s if any, -1l otherwise; see lastIndexOf(...).
last_index_of_from [JavaStringBuilder]
Returns the index within the passed builder of the last occurrence of the passed string, starting at the passed index; see indexOf(...).
length [JavaStringBuilder]
Returns the length of the passed builder; see length(...).
length [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.length.
length [JavaString]
Returns the length of the passed string; see length(...).
length [JavaShortArray]
length a returns the length of a.
length [JavaReferenceArray]
length a returns the length of a.
length [JavaLongArray]
length a returns the length of a.
length [JavaIntArray]
length a returns the length of a.
length [JavaFloatArray]
length a returns the length of a.
length [JavaDoubleArray]
length a returns the length of a.
length [JavaCharArray]
length a returns the length of a.
length [JavaByteArray]
length a returns the length of a.
length [JavaBooleanArray]
length a returns the length of a.
length [JavaArraySignature.T]
length [JavaArray]
length a returns the length of a.
length_sub [JavaArray]
length_sub a i returns the length of the sub array at index i of a.
load [JavaProperties]
load props str loads the properties from stream str into props; see load(...).
load_from_xml [JavaProperties]
load_xml props str loads the properties from stream str into props; see loadFromXML(...).
long_value [JavaShort]
Returns the wrapped value, as a long.
long_value [JavaLong]
Returns the wrapped value, as a long.
long_value [JavaInt]
Returns the wrapped value, as a long.
long_value [JavaFloat]
Returns the wrapped value, as a long.
long_value [JavaDouble]
Returns the wrapped value, as a long.
long_value [JavaByte]
Returns the wrapped value, as a long.
lowercase [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.lowercase.

make [JavaTimeZone]
Returns a new java.util.TimeZone instance, corresponding to the passed identifier.
make [JavaThrowable]
Returns a new java.lang.Throwable instance; see Throwable(...).
make [JavaStringBuilder]
Returns new empty java.lang.StringBuilder instance, with an initial capacity of 16 characters.
make [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.make.
make [JavaShortArray]
make len creates and returns an array of len elements.
make [JavaShort]
Returns a new java.lang.Short wrapper for the passed value.
make [JavaRandom]
Returns a new java.util.Random instance.
make [JavaProperties]
Returns a new java.util.Properties instance, with the passed defaults if not null, empty otherwise.
make [JavaObject]
Returns a new java.lang.Object instance.
make [JavaLongArray]
make len creates and returns an array of len elements.
make [JavaLong]
Returns a new java.lang.Long wrapper for the passed value.
make [JavaLocale]
Returns a new java.util.Locale instance, for the passed language, country and variant.
make [JavaIntArray]
make len creates and returns an array of len elements.
make [JavaInt]
Returns a new java.lang.Integer wrapper for the passed value.
make [JavaFloatArray]
make len creates and returns an array of len elements.
make [JavaFloat]
Returns a new java.lang.Float wrapper for the passed value.
make [JavaException]
Returns a new java.lang.Exception instance; see Exception(...).
make [JavaError]
Returns a new java.lang.Error instance; see Error(...).
make [JavaDoubleArray]
make len creates and returns an array of len elements.
make [JavaDouble]
Returns a new java.lang.Double wrapper for the passed value.
make [JavaDate]
Returns a new java.util.Date instance for the passed time, as the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.
make [JavaCharArray]
make len creates and returns an array of len elements.
make [JavaChar]
Returns a new java.lang.Character wrapper for the passed value.
make [JavaByteArray]
make len creates and returns an array of len elements.
make [JavaByte]
Returns a new java.lang.Byte wrapper for the passed value.
make [JavaBooleanArray]
make len creates and returns an array of len elements.
make [JavaBoolean]
Returns a new java.lang.Boolean wrapper for the passed value.
make [JavaArraySignature.T]
make [Java]
make desc param1 ... paramn calls the constructor whose descriptor is desc with parameters param1 ... paramn, and returns the created instance.
make_array [Java]
make_array desc dim1 ... dimn builds and returns an array, whose number of dimensions and type of elements are determined by desc.
make_array_dims [Java]
make_array_dims desc dim1 ... dimn is similar to Java.make_array, except that the array descriptor is made of two kinds of dimension specifiers, allowing to initialize only the first dimensions of the array.
make_date_format [JavaDate]
Creates a date format from the passed style, locale, and time zone.
make_date_time_format [JavaDate]
Creates a date/time format from the passed styles, locale, and time zone.
make_of_capacity [JavaStringBuilder]
Returns new empty java.lang.StringBuilder instance, with the passed capacity.
make_of_char_sequence [JavaStringBuilder]
Returns a java.lang.StringBuilder instance, containing a copy of the passed sequence.
make_of_seed [JavaRandom]
Returns a new java.util.Random instance, built using the passed seed.
make_of_string [JavaStringBuilder]
Returns a java.lang.StringBuilder instance, containing a copy of the passed string.
make_of_string [JavaShort]
Returns a new java.lang.Short corresponding to the passed string; see Short(...).
make_of_string [JavaLong]
Returns a new java.lang.Long corresponding to the passed string; see Long(...).
make_of_string [JavaInt]
Returns a new java.lang.Integer corresponding to the passed string; see Integer(...).
make_of_string [JavaFloat]
Returns a new java.lang.Float corresponding to the passed string; see Float(...).
make_of_string [JavaDouble]
Returns a new java.lang.Double corresponding to the passed string; see Double(...).
make_of_string [JavaByte]
Returns a new java.lang.Byte corresponding to the passed string; see Byte(...).
make_of_string [JavaBoolean]
Returns a new java.lang.Boolean corresponding to the passed string; see Boolean(...).
make_secure [JavaRandom]
Returns a new instance, using algorithm (if different from null) to generate the numbers as implemented by provider (if different from null).
make_simple_format [JavaDate]
Creates a format from the passed pattern, locale, and time zone.
map [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to
map [JavaShortArray]
map f a returns an array with elements f a_0, f a_1, ... where a_i is the element of a at index i.
map [JavaLongArray]
map f a returns an array with elements f a_0, f a_1, ... where a_i is the element of a at index i.
map [JavaIntArray]
map f a returns an array with elements f a_0, f a_1, ... where a_i is the element of a at index i.
map [JavaFloatArray]
map f a returns an array with elements f a_0, f a_1, ... where a_i is the element of a at index i.
map [JavaDoubleArray]
map f a returns an array with elements f a_0, f a_1, ... where a_i is the element of a at index i.
map [JavaCharArray]
map f a returns an array with elements f a_0, f a_1, ... where a_i is the element of a at index i.
map [JavaByteArray]
map f a returns an array with elements f a_0, f a_1, ... where a_i is the element of a at index i.
map [JavaBooleanArray]
map f a returns an array with elements f a_0, f a_1, ... where a_i is the element of a at index i.
map [JavaArraySignature.T]
mapi [JavaShortArray]
map f a returns an array with elements f 0 a_0, f 1 a_1, ... where a_i is the element of a at index i.
mapi [JavaLongArray]
map f a returns an array with elements f 0 a_0, f 1 a_1, ... where a_i is the element of a at index i.
mapi [JavaIntArray]
map f a returns an array with elements f 0 a_0, f 1 a_1, ... where a_i is the element of a at index i.
mapi [JavaFloatArray]
map f a returns an array with elements f 0 a_0, f 1 a_1, ... where a_i is the element of a at index i.
mapi [JavaDoubleArray]
map f a returns an array with elements f 0 a_0, f 1 a_1, ... where a_i is the element of a at index i.
mapi [JavaCharArray]
map f a returns an array with elements f 0 a_0, f 1 a_1, ... where a_i is the element of a at index i.
mapi [JavaByteArray]
map f a returns an array with elements f 0 a_0, f 1 a_1, ... where a_i is the element of a at index i.
mapi [JavaBooleanArray]
map f a returns an array with elements f 0 a_0, f 1 a_1, ... where a_i is the element of a at index i.
mapi [JavaArraySignature.T]
matches [JavaString]
matches s regexp tests whether s matches regular expression regexp; see matches(...).
max_memory [JavaRuntime]
Returns the maximum amount of memory to be used by the JVM (in bytes); see maxMemory(...).
max_value [JavaShort]
The largest value for short values.
max_value [JavaLong]
The largest value for long values.
max_value [JavaInt]
The largest value for integer values.
max_value [JavaFloat]
The largest value for float values.
max_value [JavaDouble]
The largest value for double values.
max_value [JavaChar]
The largest value for character values.
max_value [JavaByte]
The largest value for byte values.
min_value [JavaShort]
The smallest value for short values.
min_value [JavaLong]
The smallest value for long values.
min_value [JavaInt]
The smallest value for integer values.
min_value [JavaFloat]
The smallest value for float values.
min_value [JavaDouble]
The smallest value for double values.
min_value [JavaChar]
The smallest value for character values.
min_value [JavaByte]
The smallest value for byte values.

nan [JavaFloat]
The not-a-number constant.
nan [JavaDouble]
The not-a-number constant.
nano_time [JavaSystem]
Returns the value of the high-resolution time source in nanoseconds.
negative_infinity [JavaFloat]
The constant for the negative infinity.
negative_infinity [JavaDouble]
The constant for the negative infinity.
next_boolean [JavaRandom]
Generates a new pseudorandom boolean; see nextBoolean(...).
next_bytes [JavaRandom]
Generates new pseudorandom bytes; see nextBytes(...).
next_double [JavaRandom]
Generates a new pseudorandom double; see nextDouble(...).
next_float [JavaRandom]
Generates a new pseudorandom float; see nextFloat(...).
next_gaussian [JavaRandom]
Generates a new pseudorandom double that is Gaussian distributed; see nextGaussian(...).
next_int [JavaRandom]
Generates a new pseudorandom integer; see nextInt(...).
next_int_bound [JavaRandom]
Generates a new pseudorandom integer between 0 (inclusive) and the passed value (exclusive); see nextInt(...).
next_long [JavaRandom]
Generates a new pseudorandom long; see nextLong(...).
not_equal [Java]
not_equal x y returns false if x and y designate the very same reference.
notify [JavaObject]
notify obj wakes up a thread waiting on the monitor of obj; see notify(...).
notify_all [JavaObject]
notify_all obj wakes up all the threads waiting on the monitor of obj; see notifyAll(...).
now [JavaDate]
Returns a new java.util.Date instance for the current time.
now [JavaCalendar]
Returns a new java.util.Calendar instance for the current time, using the passed local and/or time zone.
null [JavaTimeZone]
The null value.
null [JavaThrowable]
The null value.
null [JavaStringBuilder]
The null value.
null [JavaString]
The null value.
null [JavaShortArray]
The null value.
null [JavaShort]
The null value.
null [JavaReferenceArray]
The null value.
null [JavaRandom]
The null value.
null [JavaProperties]
The null value.
null [JavaObject]
The null value.
null [JavaLongArray]
The null value.
null [JavaLong]
The null value.
null [JavaLocale]
The null value.
null [JavaIntArray]
The null value.
null [JavaInt]
The null value.
null [JavaFloatArray]
The null value.
null [JavaFloat]
The null value.
null [JavaException]
The null value.
null [JavaError]
The null value.
null [JavaDoubleArray]
The null value.
null [JavaDouble]
The null value.
null [JavaDate]
The null value.
null [JavaCharArray]
The null value.
null [JavaChar]
The null value.
null [JavaCalendar]
The null value.
null [JavaByteArray]
The null value.
null [JavaByte]
The null value.
null [JavaBooleanArray]
The null value.
null [JavaBoolean]
The null value.
null [JavaArraySignature.T]
null [Java]
The null value.

of_char [JavaChar]
Converts a plain OCaml char into a java_char.
of_date [JavaCalendar]
Converts the passed date into a calendar.
of_iso8601 [JavaCalendar]
Converts the passed string into a calendar.
of_list [JavaShortArray]
of_list l returns the elements of l as an array.
of_list [JavaLongArray]
of_list l returns the elements of l as an array.
of_list [JavaIntArray]
of_list l returns the elements of l as an array.
of_list [JavaFloatArray]
of_list l returns the elements of l as an array.
of_list [JavaDoubleArray]
of_list l returns the elements of l as an array.
of_list [JavaCharArray]
of_list l returns the elements of l as an array.
of_list [JavaByteArray]
of_list l returns the elements of l as an array.
of_list [JavaBooleanArray]
of_list l returns the elements of l as an array.
of_list [JavaArraySignature.T]
of_object [JavaShortArray]
of_object o casts object o to array.
of_object [JavaReferenceArray]
of_object o casts object o to array.
of_object [JavaLongArray]
of_object o casts object o to array.
of_object [JavaIntArray]
of_object o casts object o to array.
of_object [JavaFloatArray]
of_object o casts object o to array.
of_object [JavaDoubleArray]
of_object o casts object o to array.
of_object [JavaCharArray]
of_object o casts object o to array.
of_object [JavaByteArray]
of_object o casts object o to array.
of_object [JavaBooleanArray]
of_object o casts object o to array.
of_object [JavaArraySignature.T]
of_ocaml [JavaShortArray]
of_ocaml a returns a Java array equivalent to a.
of_ocaml [JavaLongArray]
of_ocaml a returns a Java array equivalent to a.
of_ocaml [JavaIntArray]
of_ocaml a returns a Java array equivalent to a.
of_ocaml [JavaFloatArray]
of_ocaml a returns a Java array equivalent to a.
of_ocaml [JavaDoubleArray]
of_ocaml a returns a Java array equivalent to a.
of_ocaml [JavaCharArray]
of_ocaml a returns a Java array equivalent to a.
of_ocaml [JavaByteArray]
of_ocaml a returns a Java array equivalent to a.
of_ocaml [JavaBooleanArray]
of_ocaml a returns a Java array equivalent to a.
of_ocaml [JavaArraySignature.T]
of_ocaml_string [JavaByteArray]
of_string x returns the array wrapped inside x.
of_string [JavaString]
of_string s converts the OCaml string s into a Java string.
of_string [JavaDate]
Converts the passed string into a date.
open_in [JavaIOStreams]
open_in ?buffered str returns a new instance reading data from the file whose path is str.
open_out [JavaIOStreams]
open_out ?buffered str returns a new instance writing data to the file whose path is str.
options [JavaServlet]
options resp l is an implementation of do_options _ _ _ resp where l is the list of methods supported by the servlet.
out_channel_of_output_stream [JavaIOStreams]
out_channel_of_output_stream os converts the output stream os into a new output channel.
output_stream_of_out_channel [JavaIOStreams]
output_stream_of_out_channel oc converts the output channel oc into a new output stream.
output_string [JavaString]
output_string ch s prints s onto channel ch.

parameter_info [JavaApplet.Graphics]
The value to be returned by the getParameterInfo(...) method.
parameter_info [JavaApplet.Swing]
The value to be returned by the getParameterInfo(...) method.
parameter_info [JavaApplet.AWT]
The value to be returned by the getParameterInfo(...) method.
parameter_info_of_list [JavaApplet]
Converts a list of parameters into a parameter info, preserving the order of elements.
parse_boolean [JavaBoolean]
Converts the passed string into a boolean; see parseBoolean(...).
parse_byte [JavaByte]
Converts the passed string into a byte wrapper, using the passed radix (defaulting to 10l); see parseByte(...).
parse_double [JavaDouble]
Converts the passed string into a double wrapper; see parseDouble(...).
parse_float [JavaFloat]
Converts the passed string into a float wrapper; see parseFloat(...).
parse_int [JavaInt]
Converts the passed string into a integer wrapper, using the passed radix (defaulting to 10l); see parseInt(...).
parse_long [JavaLong]
Converts the passed string into a long wrapper, using the passed radix (defaulting to 10l); see parseLong(...).
parse_short [JavaShort]
Converts the passed string into a short wrapper, using the passed radix (defaulting to 10l); see parseShort(...).
positive_infinity [JavaFloat]
The constant for the positive infinity.
positive_infinity [JavaDouble]
The constant for the positive infinity.
prc [JavaLocale]
prerr_endline [JavaString]
prerr_endline s prints s followed by a newline character onto the error ouput.
prerr_newline [JavaString]
prerr_newline () prints a newline character onto the error ouput.
prerr_string [JavaString]
prerr_string s prints s onto the error ouput.
print_endline [JavaString]
print_endline s prints s followed by a newline character onto the standard ouput.
print_newline [JavaString]
print_newline () prints a newline character onto the standard ouput.
print_stack_trace [JavaThrowable]
Returns the stack trace; see printStackTrace(...).
print_stack_trace [JavaException]
Returns the stack trace; see printStackTrace(...).
print_stack_trace [JavaError]
Returns the stack trace; see printStackTrace(...).
print_string [JavaString]
print_string s prints s onto the standard ouput.
printf [JavaStringPrintf]
This function can be passed to Printf.printf to print a Java string through a "%a" conversion specification.
printf [JavaStringFormat]
This function can be passed to Format.printf to print a Java string through a "%a" conversion specification.
proxy [Java]
Synonym for Java.proxy_system.
proxy_loader [Java]
proxy_loader desc cl impl returns an instance that implements the interfaces specified by desc, using the methods provided by impl.
proxy_runtime [Java]
Similar to Java.proxy_loader, but uses the class loader that was used to load the OCaml-Java runtime.
proxy_system [Java]
Similar to Java.proxy_loader, but uses the system class loader.

rcontains_from [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.rcontains_from.
read_line [JavaString]
read_line () reads a line from the standard input.
replace [JavaStringBuilder]
replace sb start end str replaces the characters from index start (inclusive) to index end (exclusive) from builder sb by characters from str; see replace(...).
rindex [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.rindex.
rindex_from [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.rindex_from.
run [JavaApplet.Graphics]
Callback called for each event.
run_finalization [JavaSystem]
Runs the finalization methods of objects pending finalization; see runFinalization(...).

service [JavaServlet.Generic]
service v inst req resp handles the request req through the servlet instance inst (associated to value v).
service [JavaServlet.Default_Generic]
session_created [JavaServlet.HTTPSessionListener]
Called to notify that a session was created; see sessionCreated(...).
session_destroyed [JavaServlet.HTTPSessionListener]
Called to notify that a session is about to be invalidated; see sessionDestroyed(...).
session_did_activate [JavaServlet.HTTPSessionActivationListener]
Called to notify that a session has just been activated; see sessionDidActivate(...).
session_id_changed [JavaServlet.HTTPSessionIdListener]
Called to notify that the session identifier has changed; see sessionIdChanged(...).
session_will_passivate [JavaServlet.HTTPSessionActivationListener]
Called to notify that a session is about to be passivated; see sessionWillPassivate(...).
set [JavaShortArray]
set a i x changes the element at index i in a to x.
set [JavaReferenceArray]
set a i x changes the element at index i in a to x.
set [JavaLongArray]
set a i x changes the element at index i in a to x.
set [JavaIntArray]
set a i x changes the element at index i in a to x.
set [JavaFloatArray]
set a i x changes the element at index i in a to x.
set [JavaDoubleArray]
set a i x changes the element at index i in a to x.
set [JavaCharArray]
set a i x changes the element at index i in a to x.
set [JavaCalendar]
set cal f v returns a new instance that is equal to cal, with the field f changed to v; see set(...).
set [JavaByteArray]
set a i x changes the element at index i in a to x.
set [JavaBooleanArray]
set a i x changes the element at index i in a to x.
set [JavaArraySignature.T]
set [JavaArray]
set a i x changes the element at index i in a to x.
set [Java]
set desc obj x changes the value of field desc for instance obj to x.
set_char_at [JavaStringBuilder]
Changes the character at the passed index in the passed builder; see setCharAt(...).
set_default [JavaTimeZone]
set_default tz changes the default time zone to tz if not null.
set_default [JavaLocale]
set_default loc changes the default locale to loc.
set_length [JavaStringBuilder]
Sets the length of the passed builder to the passed value; see setLength(...).
set_property [JavaSystem]
set_property name value change the system property named name to value, returning its previous value if any; see setProperty(...).
set_property [JavaProperties]
set_property props key value set the property with key key to value value in props, returning the previous value if any; see setProperty(...).
set_seed [JavaRandom]
set_seed random seed Sets the seed of the random generator to seed; see setSeed(...).
set_time_zone [JavaCalendar]
set_time_zone cal tz returns a new instance that is equal to cal, with the time zone set to tz; see setTimeZone(...).
short_value [JavaShort]
Returns the wrapped value, as a short.
short_value [JavaLong]
Returns the wrapped value, as a short.
short_value [JavaInt]
Returns the wrapped value, as a short.
short_value [JavaFloat]
Returns the wrapped value, as a short.
short_value [JavaDouble]
Returns the wrapped value, as a short.
short_value [JavaByte]
Returns the wrapped value, as a short.
simplified_chinese [JavaLocale]
split [JavaString]
split s regexp splits s using regular expression regexp; see split(...).
sprintf [JavaStringPrintf]
This function can be passed to Printf.sprintf to print a Java string through a "%a" conversion specification.
sprintf [JavaStringFormat]
This function can be passed to Format.sprintf to print a Java string through a "%a" conversion specification.
start [JavaApplet.Graphics]
The implementation of the start(...) method.
start [JavaApplet.Swing]
The implementation of the start(...) method.
start [JavaApplet.AWT]
The implementation of the start(...) method.
starts_with [JavaString]
starts_with s prefix tests whether s starts with prefix; see startsWith(...).
stop [JavaApplet.Graphics]
The implementation of the stop(...) method.
stop [JavaApplet.Swing]
The implementation of the stop(...) method.
stop [JavaApplet.AWT]
The implementation of the stop(...) method.
store [JavaProperties]
store props str stores the properties props onto the stream str with optional comment commment; see store(...).
store_to_xml [JavaProperties]
store_to_xml props str stores the properties props onto the stream str with optional comment commment; see storeToXML(...).
string_property_names [JavaProperties]
string_property_names props returns the list of the keys for the properties defined in props (including defaults); see stringPropertyNames(...).
sub [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.sub.
sub [JavaShortArray]
sub a ofs len returns an array of len elements, copying elements from a starting at offset ofs.
sub [JavaLongArray]
sub a ofs len returns an array of len elements, copying elements from a starting at offset ofs.
sub [JavaIntArray]
sub a ofs len returns an array of len elements, copying elements from a starting at offset ofs.
sub [JavaFloatArray]
sub a ofs len returns an array of len elements, copying elements from a starting at offset ofs.
sub [JavaDoubleArray]
sub a ofs len returns an array of len elements, copying elements from a starting at offset ofs.
sub [JavaCharArray]
sub a ofs len returns an array of len elements, copying elements from a starting at offset ofs.
sub [JavaByteArray]
sub a ofs len returns an array of len elements, copying elements from a starting at offset ofs.
sub [JavaBooleanArray]
sub a ofs len returns an array of len elements, copying elements from a starting at offset ofs.
sub [JavaArraySignature.T]
substring [JavaStringBuilder]
substring sb start end returns a string containing the characters of sb from index start (inclusive) to index end (exclusive); see substring(...).
substring [JavaString]
substring s start_idx end_idx returns the substring of s beginning at index start_idx (inclusive) and ending at index end_idx (exclusive); see substring(...).
synchronized [Java]
synchronized obj (fun () -> ...) is equivalent to the Java code synchronized (obj) { ... }.

taiwan [JavaLocale]
throw [JavaThrowable]
Synonym for Java.throw.
throw [JavaException]
Synonym for Java.throw.
throw [JavaError]
Synonym for Java.throw.
throw [Java]
throw x raises the instance x, that will be wrapped into either a Java_exception, or a Java_error on the OCaml side.
to_char [JavaChar]
Converts a java_char into a plain OCaml char.
to_char_array [JavaString]
Converts the passed string into an array of characters; see toCharArray(...).
to_date [JavaCalendar]
Converts the passed calendar into a date.
to_iso8601 [JavaCalendar]
Converts the passed calendar into a string.
to_language_tag [JavaLocale]
Returns the IETF BCP 47 language tag of the passed locale; see toLanguageTag(...).
to_list [JavaShortArray]
to_list a returns the elements of a as a list.
to_list [JavaLongArray]
to_list a returns the elements of a as a list.
to_list [JavaIntArray]
to_list a returns the elements of a as a list.
to_list [JavaFloatArray]
to_list a returns the elements of a as a list.
to_list [JavaDoubleArray]
to_list a returns the elements of a as a list.
to_list [JavaCharArray]
to_list a returns the elements of a as a list.
to_list [JavaByteArray]
to_list a returns the elements of a as a list.
to_list [JavaBooleanArray]
to_list a returns the elements of a as a list.
to_list [JavaArraySignature.T]
to_lower_case [JavaString]
Returns a copy of the passed string with all characters converted to lower case; see toLowerCase(...).
to_lower_case [JavaChar]
Converts the passed value to lower case; see toLowerCase(...).
to_object [JavaShortArray]
to_object a casts a to a bare object.
to_object [JavaReferenceArray]
to_object a casts a to a bare object.
to_object [JavaLongArray]
to_object a casts a to a bare object.
to_object [JavaIntArray]
to_object a casts a to a bare object.
to_object [JavaFloatArray]
to_object a casts a to a bare object.
to_object [JavaDoubleArray]
to_object a casts a to a bare object.
to_object [JavaCharArray]
to_object a casts a to a bare object.
to_object [JavaByteArray]
to_object a casts a to a bare object.
to_object [JavaBooleanArray]
to_object a casts a to a bare object.
to_object [JavaArraySignature.T]
to_ocaml [JavaShortArray]
to_ocaml a returns an OCaml array equivalent to a.
to_ocaml [JavaLongArray]
to_ocaml a returns an OCaml array equivalent to a.
to_ocaml [JavaIntArray]
to_ocaml a returns an OCaml array equivalent to a.
to_ocaml [JavaFloatArray]
to_ocaml a returns an OCaml array equivalent to a.
to_ocaml [JavaDoubleArray]
to_ocaml a returns an OCaml array equivalent to a.
to_ocaml [JavaCharArray]
to_ocaml a returns an OCaml array equivalent to a.
to_ocaml [JavaByteArray]
to_ocaml a returns an OCaml array equivalent to a.
to_ocaml [JavaBooleanArray]
to_ocaml a returns an OCaml array equivalent to a.
to_ocaml [JavaArraySignature.T]
to_ocaml_string [JavaByteArray]
to_string x returns the array x as wrapped into a string.
to_string [JavaStringBuilder]
Returns the contents of the passed builder as a string; see toString(...).
to_string [JavaString]
to_string s converts the Java string s into an OCaml string.
to_string [JavaShortArray]
to_string a returns the string representation of a; see toString(...).
to_string [JavaShort]
Converts the passed short into a string; see toString(...).
to_string [JavaReferenceArray]
to_string a returns the string representation of a; see toString(...).
to_string [JavaObject]
to_string obj returns the string representation of obj; see toString(...).
to_string [JavaLongArray]
to_string a returns the string representation of a; see toString(...).
to_string [JavaLong]
Converts the passed long into a string; see toString(...).
to_string [JavaIntArray]
to_string a returns the string representation of a; see toString(...).
to_string [JavaInt]
Converts the passed integer into a string; see toString(...).
to_string [JavaFloatArray]
to_string a returns the string representation of a; see toString(...).
to_string [JavaFloat]
Converts the passed float into a string; see toString(...).
to_string [JavaDoubleArray]
to_string a returns the string representation of a; see toString(...).
to_string [JavaDouble]
Converts the passed double into a string; see toString(...).
to_string [JavaDate]
Converts the passed date into a string.
to_string [JavaCharArray]
to_string a returns the string representation of a; see toString(...).
to_string [JavaChar]
Converts the passed character into a string; see toString(...).
to_string [JavaByteArray]
to_string a returns the string representation of a; see toString(...).
to_string [JavaByte]
Converts the passed byte into a string; see toString(...).
to_string [JavaBooleanArray]
to_string a returns the string representation of a; see toString(...).
to_string [JavaBoolean]
Converts the passed boolean into a string; see toString(...).
to_string [JavaArraySignature.T]
to_upper_case [JavaString]
Returns a copy of the passed string with all characters converted to upper case; see toUpperCase(...).
to_upper_case [JavaChar]
Converts the passed value to upper case; see toUpperCase(...).
total_memory [JavaRuntime]
Returns the total amount of memory used by the JVM (in bytes); see totalMemory(...).
traditional_chinese [JavaLocale]
trim [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.trim.
trim [JavaString]
Returns a copy of the passed string, without leading and trailing spaces; see trim(...).
trim_to_size [JavaStringBuilder]
Minimizes the amount of memory used by the passed builder; see trimToSize(...).
true_ [JavaBoolean]
The constant for the wrapper around the true value.

uk [JavaLocale]
uncapitalize [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.uncapitalize.
unwrap [JavaTimeZone]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaThrowable]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaStringBuilder]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaString]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaShortArray]
unwrap x unwraps the option x into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaShort]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaReferenceArray]
unwrap x unwraps the option x into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaRandom]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaProperties]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaObject]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaLongArray]
unwrap x unwraps the option x into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaLong]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaLocale]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaIntArray]
unwrap x unwraps the option x into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaInt]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaFloatArray]
unwrap x unwraps the option x into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaFloat]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaException]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaError]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaDoubleArray]
unwrap x unwraps the option x into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaDouble]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaDate]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaCharArray]
unwrap x unwraps the option x into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaChar]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaCalendar]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaByteArray]
unwrap x unwraps the option x into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaByte]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaBooleanArray]
unwrap x unwraps the option x into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaBoolean]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [JavaArraySignature.T]
unwrap [JavaArray]
unwrap x unwraps the option x into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [Java]
unwrap x unwraps the option x into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
uppercase [JavaString.OCaml]
Similar to String.uppercase.
us [JavaLocale]

value_bound [JavaServlet.HTTPSessionBindingListener]
Called to notify that an object is being bound to a session as its identifier; see valueBound(...).
value_of [JavaShort]
Converts the passed bare short into a short wrapper; see valueOf(...).
value_of [JavaLong]
Converts the passed bare long into a long wrapper; see valueOf(...).
value_of [JavaInt]
Converts the passed bare integer into a integer wrapper; see valueOf(...).
value_of [JavaFloat]
Converts the passed bare float into a float wrapper; see valueOf(...).
value_of [JavaDouble]
Converts the passed bare double into a double wrapper; see valueOf(...).
value_of [JavaChar]
Converts the passed bare character into a character wrapper; see valueOf(...).
value_of [JavaByte]
Converts the passed bare byte into a byte wrapper; see valueOf(...).
value_of [JavaBoolean]
Converts the passed bare boolean into a boolean wrapper; see valueOf(...).
value_of_string [JavaShort]
Converts the passed string into a short wrapper, using the passed radix (defaulting to 10l); see valueOf(...).
value_of_string [JavaLong]
Converts the passed string into a long wrapper, using the passed radix (defaulting to 10l); see valueOf(...).
value_of_string [JavaInt]
Converts the passed string into a integer wrapper, using the passed radix (defaulting to 10l); see valueOf(...).
value_of_string [JavaFloat]
Converts the passed string into a float wrapper; see valueOf(...).
value_of_string [JavaDouble]
Converts the passed string into a double wrapper; see valueOf(...).
value_of_string [JavaByte]
Converts the passed string into a byte wrapper, using the passed radix (defaulting to 10l); see valueOf(...).
value_of_string [JavaBoolean]
Converts the passed string into a boolean wrapper; see valueOf(...).
value_unbound [JavaServlet.HTTPSessionBindingListener]
Called to notify that an object is being unbound from a session; see valueUnbound(...).

wait [JavaObject]
wait obj waits for a notification on the monitor of obj; see wait(...).
wait_timeout [JavaObject]
wait_timeout obj ms waits for a notification on the monitor of obj, or a time of ms milliseconds has elapsed; see wait(...).
wait_timeout_nanos [JavaObject]
wait_timeout_nanos obj ms ns waits for a notification on the monitor of obj, or a time of to milliseconds and na nanoseconds has elapsed; see wait(...).
wrap [JavaTimeZone]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [JavaThrowable]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [JavaStringBuilder]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [JavaString]
wrap x wraps the reference x into an option type: Some x if x is not null;, None if x is null.
wrap [JavaShortArray]
wrap x wraps the array x into an option type: Some x if x is not null;, None if x is null.
wrap [JavaShort]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [JavaReferenceArray]
wrap x wraps the array x into an option type: Some x if x is not null;, None if x is null.
wrap [JavaRandom]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [JavaProperties]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [JavaObject]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [JavaLongArray]
wrap x wraps the array x into an option type: Some x if x is not null;, None if x is null.
wrap [JavaLong]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [JavaLocale]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [JavaIntArray]
wrap x wraps the array x into an option type: Some x if x is not null;, None if x is null.
wrap [JavaInt]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [JavaFloatArray]
wrap x wraps the array x into an option type: Some x if x is not null;, None if x is null.
wrap [JavaFloat]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [JavaException]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [JavaError]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [JavaDoubleArray]
wrap x wraps the array x into an option type: Some x if x is not null;, None if x is null.
wrap [JavaDouble]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [JavaDate]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [JavaCharArray]
wrap x wraps the array x into an option type: Some x if x is not null;, None if x is null.
wrap [JavaChar]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [JavaCalendar]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [JavaByteArray]
wrap x wraps the array x into an option type: Some x if x is not null;, None if x is null.
wrap [JavaByte]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [JavaBooleanArray]
wrap x wraps the array x into an option type: Some x if x is not null;, None if x is null.
wrap [JavaBoolean]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [JavaArraySignature.T]
wrap [JavaArray]
wrap x wraps the array x into an option type: Some x if x is not null;, None if x is null.
wrap [Java]
wrap x wraps the reference x into an option type: Some x if x is not null;, None if x is null.
wrap_boolean_array [JavaArray]
wrap_boolean_array a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
wrap_boolean_array2 [JavaArray]
wrap_boolean_array2 a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
wrap_byte_array [JavaArray]
wrap_byte_array a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
wrap_byte_array2 [JavaArray]
wrap_byte_array2 a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
wrap_char_array [JavaArray]
wrap_char_array a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
wrap_char_array2 [JavaArray]
wrap_byte_array2 a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
wrap_double_array [JavaArray]
wrap_double_array a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
wrap_double_array2 [JavaArray]
wrap_double_array2 a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
wrap_float_array [JavaArray]
wrap_float_array a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
wrap_float_array2 [JavaArray]
wrap_float_array2 a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
wrap_int_array [JavaArray]
wrap_int_array a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
wrap_int_array2 [JavaArray]
wrap_int_array2 a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
wrap_long_array [JavaArray]
wrap_long_array a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
wrap_long_array2 [JavaArray]
wrap_long_array2 a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
wrap_reference_array [JavaArray]
wrap_reference_array a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
wrap_reference_array2 [JavaArray]
wrap_reference_array2 a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
wrap_short_array [JavaArray]
wrap_short_array a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
wrap_short_array2 [JavaArray]
wrap_short_array2 a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
wrapped [JavaArray]
wrapped a returns the wrapped array.