Index of module types

AWT [JavaApplet]
The module type for applets linked with -applet awt.

Computation [MapReduce]
Description of a computation.

Generic [JavaServlet]
The module type for servlets compiled with -servlet generic.
Graphics [JavaApplet]
The module type for applets linked with -applet graphics.

HTTP [JavaServlet]
The module type for servlets compiled with -servlet http.
HTTPSessionActivationListener [JavaServlet]
The module type for listeners compiled with -servlet session-activation-listener.
HTTPSessionAttributeListener [JavaServlet]
The module type for listeners compiled with -servlet session-attribute-listener.
HTTPSessionBindingListener [JavaServlet]
The module type for listeners compiled with -servlet session-binding-listener.
HTTPSessionIdListener [JavaServlet]
The module type for listeners compiled with -servlet session-id-listener.
HTTPSessionListener [JavaServlet]
The module type for listeners compiled with -servlet session-listener.
HashedType [MoreLabels.Hashtbl]
HashedType [Hashtbl]
The input signature of the functor Hashtbl.Make.

OptionalParameters [ParallelArray]
Signature of ParallelArray.Make parameter.
OrderedType [Set]
Input signature of the functor Set.Make.
OrderedType [MoreLabels.Set]
OrderedType [MoreLabels.Map]
OrderedType [Map]
Input signature of the functor Map.Make.

S [Weak]
The output signature of the functor Weak.Make.
S [Set]
Output signature of the functor Set.Make.
S [ParallelArray]
Similar to module type of Array, except for fold operations.
S [MoreLabels.Set]
S [MoreLabels.Map]
S [MoreLabels.Hashtbl]
S [MapReduce]
Signature of a map/reduce computation.
S [Map]
Output signature of the functor Map.Make.
S [Hashtbl]
The output signature of the functor Hashtbl.Make.
SeededHashedType [MoreLabels.Hashtbl]
SeededHashedType [Hashtbl]
The input signature of the functor Hashtbl.MakeSeeded.
SeededS [MoreLabels.Hashtbl]
SeededS [Hashtbl]
The output signature of the functor Hashtbl.MakeSeeded.
ServletContextAttributeListener [JavaServlet]
The module type for listeners compiled with -servlet context-attribute-listener.
ServletContextListener [JavaServlet]
The module type for listeners compiled with -servlet context-listener.
Swing [JavaApplet]
The module type for applets linked with -applet swing.

T [JavaArraySignature]
The module type of specialized arrays.