AtomicBool |
Atomic containers for
bool values.
AtomicInt32 |
Atomic containers for
int32 values.
AtomicInt32Array |
Atomic containers for arrays of
int32 values.
AtomicInt64 |
Atomic containers for
int64 values.
AtomicInt64Array |
Atomic containers for arrays of
int64 values.
AtomicMarkableReference |
Atomic containers for markable values.
AtomicReference |
Atomic containers for values.
AtomicReferenceArray |
Atomic containers for arrays of values.
AtomicStampedReference |
Atomic containers for stamped values.
Condition |
Lock-base condition.
CountDownLatch |
Countdown synchronization.
CyclicBarrier |
Reusable barriers.
Exchanger |
Value exchangers.
ExecutorCompletionService |
Helper entities for thread pool executors.
ForkJoin |
Fork/join computations.
ForkJoinPool |
Thread pools for fork/join computations.
Future |
Computations run in background.
Lock |
Reentrant locks.
MapReduce |
Map/reduce computations.
ParallelArray |
Parallel operations over arrays.
Phaser |
Flexible synchronization abstractions, subsuming countdown latches
and cyclic barriers.
ReadWriteLock |
Read/write locks.
RejectedExecutionHandler |
Policies for blocked executions.
Minimalistic implementation of a Software Transactional Memory.
ScheduledFuture |
Computations run in background with a delay.
ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor |
Thread pools for scheduled futures.
Semaphore |
Thread |
ThreadGroup |
Thread groups.
ThreadLocal |
Thread-local variables.
ThreadPoolExecutor |
Thread pools for futures.
TimeUnit |
Time units.