Module Phaser

module Phaser: sig .. end
Flexible synchronization abstractions, subsuming countdown latches and cyclic barriers.

type t = java'util'concurrent'Phaser java_instance
The type of phasers, differing from coutdown latches and cyclic barriers by the fact that parties explicitly register.

Phasers are also organized in a tree-like structure, to reduce contention: a phaser is automatically registered/deregistered with its parent when the number of parties becomes respectively non-zero/zero.

The phase number of a phaser starts at zero, and advances when all parties arrive at the phaser.
val make : ?parent:t -> ?parties:int32 -> unit -> t
make ~parent:p ~parties:n returns a new phaser with parent p (defaulting to null), and number of parties n (defaulting to 0l); see Phaser(...).
Raises Java_exception if n is negative
val arrive : t -> java_int
Records that a party has arrived to the phaser without waiting for others, returns the phase number (negative if the phaser is terminated); see arrive(...).
Raises Java_exception if the phase number would be negative while the phaser is not terminated
val arrive_and_await_advance : t -> java_int
Records that a party has arrived to the phaser and waits for others, returns the phase number (negative if the phaser is terminated); see arriveAndAwaitAdvance(...).
Raises Java_exception if the phase number would be negative while the phaser is not terminated
val arrive_and_deregister : t -> java_int
Records that a party has arrived to the phaser without waiting for others, deregisters a party, returns the phase number (negative if the phaser is terminated); see arriveAndDeregister(...).
Raises Java_exception if the phase number would be negative while the phaser is not terminated
val await_advance : t -> java_int -> java_int
Waits for the phase number of the phaser to reach the passed value; see awaitAdvance(...).
val await_advance_interruptibly : t -> java_int -> java_int
Similar to Phaser.await_advance except that the thread can be interrupted; see awaitAdvanceInterruptibly(...).
Raises Java_exception if the thread is interrupted
val await_advance_interruptibly_time : t -> java_int -> java_long -> TimeUnit.t -> java_int
await_advance_interruptibly_time p pn t u is similar to await_advance_interruptibly p pn, except that the current thread will at most wait for t (time value whose unit is u); see awaitAdvanceInterruptibly(...).
  • Java_exception if the thread is interrupted
  • Java_exception if time has elapsed without reaching the given phase number
val bulk_register : t -> java_int -> java_int
bulk_register p n adds n unarrived parties to phaser p; see bulkRegister(...).
  • Java_exception if n is negative
  • Java_exception if the maximum number of parties has already been reached
val force_termination : t -> unit
Forces termination of the phaser, includind children phasers; see forceTermination(...).
val get_arrived_parties : t -> java_int
Returns the number of registered parties that have arrived to the phaser; see getArrivedParties(...).
val get_parent : t -> t
Returns the parent of the phaser; see getParent(...).
val get_phase : t -> java_int
Returns the phase number; see getPhase(...).
val get_registered_parties : t -> java_int
Returns the number of registered parties; see getRegisteredParties(...).
val get_root : t -> t
Returns the root that can be reached from the phaser by recursively visiting parents. Returns the passed phaser if it has no parent; see getRoot(...).
val get_unarrived_parties : t -> java_int
Returns the number of registered parties that have not yet arrived to the phaser; see getUnarrivedParties(...).
val is_terminated : t -> bool
Tests whether the phaser has been terminated; see isTerminated(...).
val register : t -> java_int
Adds a new unarrived party to the phaser, and returns the current phase number; see register(...).
Raises Java_exception if the maximum number of parties has already been reached

Null value

val null : t
The null value.
val is_null : t -> bool
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
val is_not_null : t -> bool
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.


val wrap : t -> t option
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type:
  • Some x if obj is not null;
  • None if obj is null.

val unwrap : t option -> t
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference:
  • Some x is mapped to x;
  • None is mapped to null.