Module JavaArray

module JavaArray: sig .. end
Support for unspecialized arrays.

type ('_, '_, '_) t
The type of unspecialized arrays, that are wrappers around specialized ones. The type parameters indicate:
  • the type of array elements;
  • the type of array indexes;
  • the type of the array that is wrapped.

val wrap_boolean_array : java_boolean java_boolean_array ->
(java_boolean, java_int, java_boolean java_boolean_array) t
wrap_boolean_array a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
val wrap_byte_array : java_byte java_byte_array ->
(java_byte, java_int, java_byte java_byte_array) t
wrap_byte_array a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
val wrap_char_array : java_char java_char_array ->
(java_char, java_int, java_char java_char_array) t
wrap_char_array a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
val wrap_double_array : java_double java_double_array ->
(java_double, java_int, java_double java_double_array) t
wrap_double_array a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
val wrap_float_array : java_double java_float_array ->
(java_double, java_int, java_double java_float_array) t
wrap_float_array a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
val wrap_int_array : java_int java_int_array ->
(java_int, java_int, java_int java_int_array) t
wrap_int_array a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
val wrap_long_array : java_long java_long_array ->
(java_long, java_int, java_long java_long_array) t
wrap_long_array a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
val wrap_short_array : java_short java_short_array ->
(java_short, java_int, java_short java_short_array) t
wrap_short_array a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
val wrap_reference_array : 'a java_reference_array ->
('a, java_int, 'a java_reference_array) t
wrap_reference_array a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
val wrap_boolean_array2 : java_boolean java_boolean_array java_reference_array ->
(java_boolean, java_int * java_int,
java_boolean java_boolean_array java_reference_array)
wrap_boolean_array2 a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
val wrap_byte_array2 : java_byte java_byte_array java_reference_array ->
(java_byte, java_int * java_int,
java_byte java_byte_array java_reference_array)
wrap_byte_array2 a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
val wrap_char_array2 : java_char java_char_array java_reference_array ->
(java_char, java_int * java_int,
java_char java_char_array java_reference_array)
wrap_byte_array2 a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
val wrap_double_array2 : java_double java_double_array java_reference_array ->
(java_double, java_int * java_int,
java_double java_double_array java_reference_array)
wrap_double_array2 a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
val wrap_float_array2 : java_float java_float_array java_reference_array ->
(java_float, java_int * java_int,
java_float java_float_array java_reference_array)
wrap_float_array2 a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
val wrap_int_array2 : java_int java_int_array java_reference_array ->
(java_int, java_int * java_int, java_int java_int_array java_reference_array)
wrap_int_array2 a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
val wrap_long_array2 : java_long java_long_array java_reference_array ->
(java_long, java_int * java_int,
java_long java_long_array java_reference_array)
wrap_long_array2 a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
val wrap_short_array2 : java_short java_short_array java_reference_array ->
(java_short, java_int * java_int,
java_short java_short_array java_reference_array)
wrap_short_array2 a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
val wrap_reference_array2 : 'a java_reference_array java_reference_array ->
('a, java_int * java_int, 'a java_reference_array java_reference_array)
wrap_reference_array2 a wraps the passed specialized array into an unspecialized one.
val length : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> java_int
length a returns the length of a.
Raises Java_exception if a is null
val length_sub : ('a, java_int * java_int, 'b) t -> java_int -> java_int
length_sub a i returns the length of the sub array at index i of a.
Raises Java_exception if a is null, or if i is out of bounds
val get : ('e, 'i, 'a) t -> 'i -> 'e
get a i returns the element at index i in a.
Raises Java_exception if a is null, or i is out of bounds
val set : ('e, 'i, 'a) t -> 'i -> 'e -> unit
set a i x changes the element at index i in a to x.
Raises Java_exception if a is null, or i is out of bounds
val iter : ('a -> unit) -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> unit
iter f a applies f to the elements of a.
Raises Java_exception if a is null
val iteri : ('i -> 'a -> unit) -> ('a, 'i, 'b) t -> unit
iter f a applies f to the elements of a.
Raises Java_exception if a is null
val is_null : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> bool
is_null a returns true iff a is equal to null.
val is_not_null : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> bool
is_not_null a returns false iff a is equal to null.
val wrap : ('e, 'i, 'r) t -> ('e, 'i, 'r) t option
wrap x wraps the array x into an option type:
  • Some x if x is not null;
  • None if x is null.

val unwrap : ('e, 'i, 'r) t option -> ('e, 'i, 'r) t
unwrap x unwraps the option x into a bare reference:
  • Some x is mapped to x;
  • None is mapped to null.

val wrapped : ('a, 'b, 'r) t -> 'r
wrapped a returns the wrapped array.